Inclusive Membership Plan

One subscription plan to access all areas of the site.

From July 2024 one subscription gives you access to all areas of the Secret Guitar Teacher site. There are still two options for payment - monthly at £30 per month or yearly at £270 per year (representing a 25% discount equivalent to £22.50 per month).
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...with our thirty-day FREE TRIAL offer

Access to all online courses in the two main sections of the site. No credit card required.
Thirty-day free trial giving access to Secret Guitar Teacher Interactive and Secret Guitar Teacher Classic sections of the site.

How the site is structured

Video-based Lessons designed to guide your guitar learning from beginner to pro level

The site has two main sections. SGT Classic contains all the lessons from the original Secret Guitar Teacher site developed by Nick Minnion from 2010 up until 2019. Since 2019, Nick has been developing a new course called The Five Main Elements Of Music. The first two Elements of this course are now complete and available on the SGT Interactive section of the site.
Structure of the site

The Downloadable option

We know that not everyone has access 24/7 to the internet....

For those who would like to work through our courses offline, we offer a downloadable option for each individual course from the SGT Classic section of the site.

Who is the Secret Guitar Teacher

Nick Minnion - A short Biography

Nick Minnion

The Secret Guitar Teacher

Born in 1957, Nick Minnion grew up to a soundtrack of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Nick was first given a guitar at the age of eight, but he wasn’t a natural. Today, he says that he’s so patient with his pupils because he knows how difficult learning guitar can be. Although he learned the trumpet in high school (to meet girls in the local orchestra), Nick was dropped not long after because there were too many trumpet players – presumably other boys who had the same idea! However, his passion for music didn’t fade, and over the years Nick has gained a strong working knowledge of the principles of music. He listens to anything from Beethoven to Nirvana – and everything in between! His broad musical tastes mean he has mastered the guitar in a variety of styles and genres.

Get started now

Try out the different courses and decide how best this site can help take your playing to the next level!